About Us
We are passionate about Bone Strength.
Developed by Dr. Shim, a distinguished professor of Inje University of South Korea, INHIS BonStrong Nano Calcium's mission is to help those seeking to recover their bone health.
Although new to the United States, INHIS BonStrong Nano Calcium has sold for over 13 years as the product of choice to fight osteoporosis and arthritis. In South Korea, perhaps even more so than United States, postmenopausal women suffer from bone and knee joint deficiencies. BonStrong has been featured in leading news programs such as SBS and KBS, and is the supplement of choice for many families. In the United States, while the nano calcium particles are produced in South Korea, it is assembled with other complementary ingredients at a certified facility in southern California.
It all started when Dr. Shim and his research staff invented a specialized technology to create nano-sized calcium particles at room temperature - without altering the composition of calcium materials. This technological breakthrough was widely celebrated and pushed the limits of conventional dietary supplement manufacturing methods. It was the Science and Technology Grand Prize winner of the Young-sil Jang Memorial Project, a leading award show in South Korea to recognize the year's best scientific achievements. It remains one of the only technologies in the world to enable nano sized dietary supplements.
Dr. Shim has studied agricultural chemistry from Kangwon National University, and has received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from University of California Davis. In addition to Inje University, he has also worked as a researcher at Princeton University and Daedeok Research Complex. His findings have been published in academic journals, such as BioMed Research International, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Bioorganic Medical Chemistry Letters, and more.
The singular aim of BonStrong remains to be the most effective way to build bone strength. If you are seeking to prevent or reverse calcium deficiencies, BonStrong is the most potent calcium supplement in the world.
We envision a world without osteoporosis!